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Segmentation & Targeting

Customers has different taste, preference, budget and reason for buying a product. That is why one of the role of marketing is to segment the market which will enable the business to see specific characteristics within them and chose goods and tactics (7P’S) to fit that segment. There are four factor that must be taken into account while business segment and target online;

-Demographic: Demographics relates to the population but it could also relate to internet demographic which is internet marketing. It is beneficial for companies to know the number of internet customers who visit their websites. The number of people who visit a website varies depending on the amount of population within different region, area, country or continent who can reach the internet. Businesses must be informed of the internet accessibility in different country before making any decision on targeting.

-Psychographic: Psychographic is a division in basis of interest, lifestyle and opinion. Online businesses can use this type of segmentation to mix tactics to fit the segment. The psychographic profile of diverse online customers is premised on precise research realize by marketing services businesses.

-Economic: The market can also be segmented according to the economy and conditions of diverse countries which could determine the possibility of the development of electronic commerce. If a business wants to expand its activity by selling its product online in Africa, it would have to collect information about the economic situation of the continent.

-Usage-based: Usage based acquaint businesses on how diverse parts of the world use the internet.

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