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Modern Marketing

The major role of marketing in the private sector business is to retain and bring more customers who could be other companies or an individual to the business to make more and more profit. Each time a product or a service has been sold, we talk about market. There exist various markets such as market for glasses or market for shoes. Presently, it is primordial that businesses know everything about the market in which they operate in order to be as efficient as possible. Marketing departments are intended to identify what are the customers desire and/or needs in order to answer them, they constantly have to know what are the customers’ requirements and proposed products or services that could meet those requirements. Marketing is one the most important department within a business and it becomes even more important over the years. If the products or services that a business proposed do not meet customers’ want or need, they will not purchase them anymore. The internet is a great way for businesses to accomplish the whole process of marketing.

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