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Why Internet Marketing has become so popular?

The reasons why internet marketing has become so popular is that nowadays more and more people use the internet everyday day, we live in a world of technology where new media such as the internet begin to take over the traditional systems of communication such as newspaper, the television, the radio, and so one. Therefore, online marketing has a big impact in the world as the majority of business are more likely to advertise and sell their product or services on the web. Also internet marketing has many advantages that make it very popular; online marketing is very targetable as businesses usually optimize their website for any niche taking into consideration demographics, psychographics, location and more, online marketing allows businesses to build a relationship with their customers and to step out from behind your corporate image through, for example, social media. This enables the customer to be more apt to purchase from the business. In addition, internet marketing is a cheap way for business to touch millions of their target market (Answers, No Date)

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